Artemis Resources Limited (‘Artemis’ or the ‘Company’) (ASX/AIM: ARV) is pleased to announce ground reconnaissance at the Titan prospect in the West Pilbara region of Western Australia continues to deliver high grade gold and silver from assays, highlighting the emergence of a broad mineralised area over the prospect.
Recent rock chip sampling at Titan delivers further high-grade gold from assays, and newly discovered silver including:553,754 g/t Au & 1,305 g/t Ag (24AR19-075)223,056 g/t Au & 1,195 g/t Ag (24AR19-068)33,389 g/t Au & 233 g/t Ag (24AR19-061)7.5 g/t Au (24AR19-032)5.7 g/t Au (24AR19-047)1.2 g/t Au (24AR19-040)2.0 g/t Au (24AR19-030)Emerging broad prospective area covering >63ha and considered to remain open pending further explorationPrevious reported over-limit and high-grade assays have now been quantified by the laboratory and returned assay results as follows;692,579 g/t Au & 3,000 g/t Ag (24AR11-005)471,937 g/t Au & 1,775 g/t Ag (24AR11-008)45,103 g/t Au & 344 g/t Ag (24AR11-004)7,440 g/t Au & 212 g/t Ag (24AR11-002)
These high-grade gold assays continue the trend found in our original rock chip discoveries at Titan1 by emerging from quartz-iron veining and are therefore not analogous to conglomerate mineralisation. This veining structure will vary throughout Titan but the structure continues to demonstrate its potential. We are looking forward to further gold exploration at Titan and over the greater Carlow tenement.”
Titan Prospect
The Titan prospect is located towards the northern part of the Carlow tenement E47/1797, in the West Pilbara region of Western Australia. Titan has had minimal exploration work conducted previously other than broad spaced soil sampling and a constrained moving loop transient electromagnetic survey (MLTEM).
The Company has followed up the preliminary ground reconnaissance undertaken in August 2024 with a second phase of sampling. This second phase has confirmed the previously reported over-limit assay results and also identified further potential mineralised areas through the discovery of additional high grade, previously untested quartz/iron-oxide veins. In total, 97 samples were collected and sent to the laboratory for processing. The majority of samples were collected from in-situ veining with some sub-crop and three float samples.
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